Watch this space...

The time just ran away last week, so much so that although I had plenty to blog about I just didn't get around to it.

Some of the weeks highlights include:

  • We finally got a moving date - hooray. We move out this Thursday and stay with Karens sister & family for a week before moving into our new house.
  • I've been asked to give a seminar in Houston (Texas) in December. The date was agreed before we knew about the house move so it now falls between us moving out and moving into our new house - really looking forward to that new experience.
  • After a successful Agility1st conference we have some new opportunities planned for 2014, so we're getting to work on those - watch this space...
  • And later today (Monday 25/11) I have a Skype call with members of the Team GB support team to discuss the 2014 squad selection - watch that space too!
  • UpAndOver won our match on Saturday against a local club, our guys were great. Very pleased with my two boys (Devo & Torro) who between them swept the board in their classes.
 Oh yes I'm training for Olympia too....I'd better not be sitting on here all day then...


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