Time to move on

As part of our moving / relocation plans Karen and I decided it was time for UpAndOver Agility Dogs to go out into the world of agility clubs in it's own right with a committee and club structure in place.

We set UpAndOver up about 14 years ago. Our original aim for doing so was to provide somewhere local where we could train our dogs (we were previously travelling 70+ miles to train) and to provide agility training in the Andover area. These purposes have kept us on track over the years and a constant reminder of what the club is all about.

UpAndOver will keep it's name, it will be a local dog agility club for people in and around the Andover area. Karen & I will remain part of the committee. Long term, I think it'll go for KC registration.

On reflection running a club for this length of time has been a lot of work (especially for Karen) and mostly very enjoyable for both of us. We have a fantastic group of people training with us, we've made great long lasting friendships and we have a strong committed core who are helping to form the committee.

Karen described 'letting go' a bit like seeing your offspring grow up and then go out into the wide world on his/her own. I'd agree with that. It's strange handing over all the various jobs associated with running a club to other people. However, we both know the time is right to do this and have full confidence in the new committee.

This would be a good opportunity for me to pull out a Winston Churchill quote:

“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps, the end of the beginning.”


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