Team GB 2013

It's been a while since writing my lat blog entry, lots has happened both at home, work and interests. One of the main projects I've been working on was preparations for the Team GB Performance Weekend.

This went to plan, thanks to many people working away in the background before during and after the event.

The standard of agility was of a very high standard. Picking 16 dogs & handlers following the weekend wasn't easy except that we had collected some really good data to base my decisions on.

So the final team going to Belgium is:

Large Teams
Greg Derrett & Detox
Ant Clarke & Ruby
Matt Goodliffe & Quincy
Ian Jackson & Bobby
Charlotte Harding & Scandal
Shaun Hunt & Phix
Karen Marriott & Puzzle
Roger Teasdale & Jingo
Reserve - Steve Richardson & Flight

Medium Team
Tasha Wise & Dizzy
Nicola Wildman & Zoom
Steve Richardson & Libby
Sian Illingworth & Maybe
Reserve - Christine Wingate-Wynne & Zev

Small Team
Rosie Cavill & Spice
Amy Lawson & Fudge
Bernadette Bay & Zaz
David Wright & Otis
Reserve - Louise Eden & Smudge

I really will try to write my blog more often.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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