A Relaxing Weekend!

We'd planned a weekend at home doing 'stuff', walking dogs, a bit of training, a meal out with the birthday club and whatever else we fancied doing. Most of that happened, birthday club was wicked, we always have a great evening usually followed by a gentle start the next day and some fresh air that afternoon. We went to one of our favorite walks overlooking Pewsey Vale. It has amazing views and great walks for the dogs. (see picture above).
On Sunday we did some more training, friends came over for lunch and then we decided to spend the afternoon in the field chillin out with the dogs in the sun. Unfortunately within 15 minutes of being out there Karen twisted her ankle. This has happened a few times now, as some of you are aware, so the well practiced emergency routine sprung into action.
This involves me grabbing the nearest bucket of cold water for her to plunge her foot into, followed by ice packs, all being well she'll back on her feet within a few days. I don't think there are any tendons left in her ankles to tear anymore, her feet are held on by muscles alone!
So as not to leave Rthym out of the fun I did the decent thing and offered to run him about in the field, (always the gentleman). However, I then managed to wrench my knee completely randomly. I thought nothing of it at first, however as the day went on it stiffened up.
By the time I arrived in Dublin in the evening it was painful. Karen suggested I needed to ice this too, as ice is the miracle cure to everything, apparently. So I raided the mini bar and put a selection of cold drinks on it. I found Red Bull was the best cure.
So a good weekend finished on a not so good note. I did have a very comfortable hotel to stay in though which helped a bit.

Before the ankle incident, attempting to get everyone to pose, not including me!