1st competition of the year

It has been one of those weeks where I've been out every night, my excuse for not writing my blog! I gave a Sports Psychology seminar to a local club on Wednedsday evening, I always enjoy these. They were a good group to talk to asking some interesting questions and thankfully no one fell asleep. Tomorrow I'm competiting at my first KC competition in 2012. I'm really looking forward to the show atmosphere, meeting up with friends and of course getting in the ring. This show is mainly going to be about finding out how the winter training has progressed, getting ring fit and finding out what training is needed over the next few weeks before the season really kicks off. Another job for the weekend is to re-visit my goals (new month started). There's a couple I know I need to start focusing on with more effort or I'm going to lose the motivation to achieve them. That's the key with goals, if they don't motivate you, they're not worth pursuing.


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