Going Dutch
We've been in the Netherlands this last weekend. We did a days agility training on Saturday and a sports psychology seminar on Sunday.
Saturday was a long day. I had three groups during the day, Karen had even more I think. We were both shattered by the time we got back to Naomi's house. It's been a while since I've done a complete days instructing on my feet, and by 5pm I knew it.
I like people to go away from the day having learnt something new and with exercises to work on. So with that in mind we both put a lot in to these days.
On Sunday I gave a Sports Psychology seminar. It was interesting giving the seminar to people who's native language wasnt English. Although everyone spoke it very well it was hard for them listening and reading English and then translating back to Dutch. However, we had a really interesting and fun day; these last few seminars have been very good to do.
Our host and organiser Naomi ( some of you know Naomi from IFCS and WAO ) did a brilliant job. Both venues were superb( see pictures from Sunday) I've delivered seminars in front rooms, church halls, marqees, a lovely chalet, village halls and now a Atheletic club house with beautiful views.
The Netherlands always strikes me as a very clean and tidy country with a nice feel to it. The people we met were great and ranged from those just starting out in agility though to International competitors, judges and a national coach. All very interesting people and as always I learn as much as they do on these days.
It was back to work today and yet more travelling. For a change flying to Scotland tonight was easi-pease. I walked in to Southampton airport at 4:10 and out at Edinbugh at 6:10, in Perth eating my dinner at 7:00.
Tonight I'm actually tired...