Back on-line

Apologies for the lack of Blogs, I was in the 'dead zone' most of last week. In fact I was put in a hotel in Scotland that had no internet connection, apart from at the reception desk, and no signal on my mobile; how can people survive like this!

During the day I was extremely busy setting up a new project too. All in all a hectic week.

It was good to catch up with a lot of friends at Thames this weekend. This is another 'big' show in the calendar which I enjoy. I enjoyed it even more this year as Devo had is first G6 win.

This weekend it's a much needed training weekend at UKA. Talking of training, how are your training plans going for the year? It's getting to the time when you may want to review then and see if you're on-track, exceeding expectations or do they need slight adjustments....


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