Well that's the World Agility Championships 2011 done. It was an amazing event which went to plan.

The main arena looked fantastic. The atmosphere both for spectators and competitors was incredible, the best I've witnessed. The agility was without doubt the highest standard I've seen any where; I won't forget the tension and excitement watching Andy Hudson's Gamblers course run, it was edge of your set stuff.

The organising team and all the crews were brilliant, I cannot praise or thank them enough. 60 people a day giving up their time to help run this event and in return they get to watch their favourite sport performed at the highest level.

The British agility folk amaze me. I'm not sure why more handlers weren't motivated to come and watch, learn and interact with some of the top handlers from around the world. And yet they are quite happy to drive up and down the motorways each weekend, each month, every year doing 'the rounds' - nowt as strange as folk.

All the spectators I spoke to came away motivated and inspired after watching. The fantastic courses set, the high standard of equipment used, state of the art timing gear ( we had split timing, three display boards and completely remote controlled timing gear on each ring) and of course the agility; it's given us all something to really get excited about.

Oh well, I'm off to finish packing up now, then we have two friends from Belgium and a friend from the Netherlands staying tonight before they go home. I need to brush up my language skills.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Ros said…
Hi Mark yes an opportunity missed not to watch and absord some lessons from the WAO. Very different styles of handling but one thing that came home to me was that handlers who could focus and stay calm put in some stunning confident rounds, with really positive handling which you could see the dogs understood and responded to. My next challenge I think calm and focus oh but to dream.

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