The England selection weekend was exciting, long and cold. But the competition was hot!

It's at these sort of events that you see the sports people, people with high levels of commitment, people who know how to use tactics, people willing to give up their time freely and people who can be relied upon.

It was also very scary to think that an idea three of us had a while back, manifests itself into something as popular as this.

Thanks very much to everyone: competitors, helpers, judges, everyone who are making the World Agility Open a great event for agility people run by agility people. Something we're proud of.

There are no big ruling organisations saying which countries can or cannot partake, which breeds can or cannot partake, or even where we can or cannot hold it, it really is an event for agility people.

Bring on May 2011.


Dani said…
I thought it was a cracking weekend. Well done you guys :-) xx
Mark Laker said…
Thanks Dani, apologies for not getting a chance to chat

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