Back Again..

After a long blog break due to running the IFCS World Agility Championships, I'm getting back to normality.

The event was fantastic, I had a great team helping me, good support from the 12 country Team Managers and the event its self was well supported. If any of my regular readers attended I hope you enjoyed it.

The event was fantastic, I had a great team helping me, good support from the 12 country Team Managers and the event its self was well supported. If any of my regular readers attended I hope you enjoyed it.
It was hard though, none of us imagined we would be working so many hours for so long. What made it even more interesting was trying to communicate and help people from abroad. Although it's surprising how quickly you get communicating using a common language made up of hand gestures, visual aids and broken English.

The only not so good part of the event was Karen breaking her ankle within 15 minutes of us arriving there. The caravan step slipped and she went over. Karen had a key part to play in the lead up and during the event so I needed her there. Luckily she was able to assist from a chair in the office and watch agility.

The plaster is off now and she has an "air boot" which basically looks like a Robocop leg. She's grounded for the next 4 weeks at least. Looking on the bright side, I get to run Torro Laker!

As one door closes another opens...

Pictures are:
Gala Dinner, Robocop leg, Susan Garrett signing, Karen's plaster signed by medal winners [how many can you spot], Russian Team who took most medals, Course walking,


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