Phew another busy weekend over. I managed to get some quality training in with my dogs; Greg put me right on what I need to do more of, less of, stop doing and start doing! Nothing like getting focused!

We had a good day training the Devon Dogs on Sunday. It was nice see our friends again and lots of improvements made since the last time, well most, Lauren still runs on her heels [must give her Ruthless's number]. Thanks to Claire for supplying a wonderful chocolate cake.

I'm back in Yorkshire for a few days this week. I was surprised to see quite a bit of snow laid about, when is it ever going to go.

Tonight marks a historic point for me. I've cleared all email from my work account and my personal account this is a first and I've only been working on it non-stop since 9 o'clock this morning and to think it's only 11pm now - amazing!


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