It's behind you!
We had our club Christmas Party on Sunday, they're always good fun and not at all competitive! Especially this year because my team lost - but then it's all about the taking part. It also happened to be Devo's first competition, although he didn't attempt the See-Saw or the A-frame, we haven't got to that page in the instruction book yet. He is such fun to run and I was really impressed how he was totally focused on me even though there were lots of other dogs in the riding school and plenty of distractions going on around him.
Kodi enjoyed himself too. He took the opportunity to show off his agility skills doing some great runs while wearing a Pirates outfit - It's Panto season after all. His Christmas present could be another bitch coming to see him, ho, ho, ho.
Our club gave us really original fantastic present. A helicopter flight and a wonderful Christmas hamper. I really don't know where they get the ideas from - brilliant. Note to myself - best not eat the contents of the hamper before the flight!
I'm away this week for my last business trip of 2009 - I hope. I had a last minute trip to Warrington and back last Friday. It would have been fine except the train home was absolutely packed; and I didn't have a reservation. I got bumped out of three seats until I finally found one that wasn't reserved.
I find it quite entertaining watching people who have been asked to move. Their reactions are interesting and always involved a lot of huffing and complaining. Not me, I just smile and think 'oh well, you can have your seat back along with all the dog hairs I've left there too".
Devo sounds like he is going to be a star too, along with Kodi (if he has the strength after all these bitches!)
Booked up for your weekend training here, Cove as well but remind Karen we need another meal out!! :-)