Well I survived the week, although like most Fridays I'm a bit worn out but its been a productive one.
On Wednesday I visited our newest call centre in Cumbernauld just outside Glasgow. It was once owned by Barclaycard where they ran their Goldfish operation from. We had the opportunity to buy the building and all the staff thereby getting a ready made call centre. It's an impressive building with lots of glass, a nice working environment, a gym and free vend coffee.
I'm sure Devo has grown while I've been away, he's also looking really handsome with his striking tri-colour markings. Karen's been working on his balance skills. This involves him learning how to get in and out of a wheelbarrow. He soon mastered that and also how to stand up while being wheeled about - no fear.
I've got to concentrate on Kodi this week with Crufts on Friday, I need to focus.