This Weeks Update

I don't know where this week has gone, in fact I don't know where January has gone, but it nearly has!

Devo is now in a regular weekly puppy class and progressing well. I'm having to work hard to keep him focused while other dogs are working in the vicinity but once he's 'locked on' to his tuggie not much distracts him. It's hard work, and hell on my back, but worth it. We're both pleased with his puppy training progress and he's a great little dog at home.

Matt & Lauren came up to train with us on Friday. We had a good session and it was nice to train our dogs with them in a healthy competitve atmosphere.

My Sports Psychology course went well yesterday. I had a great group who worked well together and I think everyone got a lot out of it. 

I'm off to Scotland for a couple of days this week. Fortunately I haven't needed to go there since early December, however this does mean I'm going to have a busy few days there this time.


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